
I “hate” Michael Jackson (Tribute)

In the promise of another tomorrow, I’ll never let you part, for you’re always in my heart.” Last phrase of music “Will You Be There”.

Michael JacksonIf I were to count how many times I cried for Michael, I would say that three times. The first, the day I attended “Thriller”… haha… Second, when I watched the movie that had its life, the scene of the death of mouse Ben terrifies me today and of course on June 25.

Funny how can I suffer for a person so far who didn’t even know of my existence, but you know why?!?!? Simply by reason of their existence in my life, because it brought me much joy in moments that I thought not support; one day I have tried to moonwalk and falls… haha… I already sang wrong, at least, a passage of his music and there is none that we stop in front of the TV and applauded him after a super video produced. Well, he did so much part of my life that maybe feel my existence, I was there in every “I love You” that he spoke to fans in appreciation for another award that received and Phew! Were many.

I confess that the most contentious part of your life I will not relate here, but I say that I was there praying and cheering always for him. Believing as he once helped me with his music to save the day, I was also with positive thoughts for him. With all this as I could delete from my life Michael.

Michael Jackson - By Sarah WeaverThen came the craziest sentence in my head (I apologize to Michael Jackson):

– I hate Michael Jackson. By being so present in my life, being a part of it I can not delete and have to suffer… sentence crazy, that is not even close to reality. On the contrary, thank God for living in time when the greatest icon of the earth, or rather, go as far, the most important of the universe lived and may weep for him in the memories of my life and leaving this life so tumultuous, but brilliant and visionary.

Michael wherever you are, my friend, idol, icon, King of Pop among other adjectives, that you find peace in this life that can’t find, you are present when their children need a help, because one thing I’m sure, You will NEVER be forgotten.

I ask permission to the late former president of the Brazilian Getúlio Vargas, but I will use part of his phrase, at the time: “I leave life to enter History.” And so you go into the history and remains in my heart.

So many songs that I like, today chose one that I don’t like the video, but is exactly what in feeling right now “You are not Alone”.

Michael Jackson – You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

Álbum HIStory: Past, Present & Future
Composição: R. Kelly

Another day has gone
I’m still all alone
How could this be

Michael Jackson - Imagem by Google (Busca)You’re not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Chorus 1:
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here to stay
Though you’re far away
I am here to stay

Chorus 2:
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we’re far apart
You’re always in my heart
You are not alone

All alone
Why, alone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Chorus 1
Chorus 2

Whisper three words and I’ll come running, flying…

And girl you know that
I’ll be there
I’ll be there


Not alone
You are not alone, you are not alone…
You just reach for me, girl
In the morning, in the evening
You’re not alone, not alone
You and me, not alone, oh, together, together…

Take this opportunity to mention a few words of other writers who track this my thought:

Michael Jackson - Imagem by Google (Busca)
He (Michael Jackson) seemed to be immortal and went without a second chance to shine cleanly without stones, without disaster and without scandals, only talent and nothing else. And people say that he will never be forgotten, NOT … will not, NEVER WILL! it also does not help more, he was, and only now many people value, forgetting that have pointed the finger =/ .” Ana Ceres

This is a moment that I wished that I didn’t live to see come. But as much that I can say that I mean it. I do know that God is good and I do know that as much as we may feel – and we do – that we need him here with us, God must have needed him far more.” Stevie Wonder

Michael was and will remain one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. He was exceptional, artistic and original. He gave the world his heart and soul through his music.” Berry Gordy

Michael brought blacks, whites, Asians and Latinos together, “and that” it was Michael Jackson who said ‘we are the world’ to feed the hungry long before Live Aid. I want his children to know there was nothing strange about your daddy, it was strange what your daddy had to deal with.” Reverendo Al Sharpton

You believed in Michael and he made you believe in yourself. Michael was the biggest star on earth.” Queen Latifah

Best father you could ever imagine. I love him so much.” Paris Jackson, Michael’s Daughter.

Luto Michael Jackson
Thanks to Annie and Massaki who helped me in this text, because my English is bad.

Kisses, Isa

*The posting was from 4558 page views since the day 08/29/2009 until 08/29/2012,
with 8 comments migrated to this post.

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Sou canceriana de 23 de Junho, Médica Veterinária - Área de Vigilância da Saúde, porém acho que dispenso dizer o quanto gosto de animais. Entre a correria da vida concílio o blog, adoro escrever, contar histórias, experimentar produtos/serviços novos entre outras coisas. Amante de um bom café e uma prosa, espero prosear aqui com vocês!

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